How Long Smoke Chicken Thighs | The Ultimate Guide

Are you one of those home cooks who loves to smoke their own meats? The key to making the most delicious smoked chicken thighs is all in the timing. Whether you are an experienced smoker or a novice, smoking chicken thighs as part of your next meal will leave your guests delighted. In this blog post, we’ll help you become a flavor alchemist and learn how long smoke chicken thighs for that extra-special touch at dinner time. Join us on this journey and let’s get cooking.

Ingredients For Smoke Chicken Thighs

Ingredients For Smoke Chicken Thighs

Sweet Rub

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

This simple blend of spices forms a sweet, peppery bark on the outside of the thighs while keeping the interior juicy. Feel free to experiment with other dried herbs like oregano or thyme as well.

Whiskey Peach BBQ Sauce

  • 1 cup peach preserves
  • 1/2 cup whiskey
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

The sweet peaches and smoky whiskey combine for a tangy, summery flavor that complements the thighs perfectly. If you want it alcohol-free, substitute more vinegar or fruit juice.


  • Wood chips, like hickory, pecan, or apple
  • Olive oil for coating
  • Disposable aluminum pan

That’s it! Just a simple spice blend, easy homemade sauce, and a couple other basics is all you need.

How To Smoke Chicken Thighs?

Preheat Smoker

Set your smoker to 275°F before starting. This mid-range temp lets the thighs cook slowly while still crisping up the skin. Going lower may lead to rubbery skin.

Prep Chicken

  • Trim off any excess fat or skin from the thighs.
  • Pat them dry thoroughly with paper towels.
  • Roll and tuck the thighs so they form a tidy bundle. This helps them cook evenly.
  • Drizzle lightly with olive oil. This helps the skin get crispy.


Generously coat the chicken all over with the sweet rub until it forms a thick, flavorful crust. Apply it right before smoking so it sticks better.

Smoking Process

  • Placement: Arrange the thighs skin-side up on a disposable aluminum pan and place the pan on the center of the smoker grate. Skin up helps render the fat and crisp the skin.
  • Temperature Target: With the smoker holding at 275°F, the thighs will take 45-75 minutes to reach an internal temperature of 165°F, depending on size. Use a digital meat thermometer to monitor.
  • Basting: After about 30 minutes, start lightly brushing the thighs with the whiskey peach barbecue sauce. This helps form a tasty, caramelized crust.
  • Finish Smoking: Continue smoking until the thighs reach an internal temp of 170-175°F. This higher final temp ensures tender, fall-off-the-bone meat.

Rest & Serve

  • Resting: Once finished, let the thighs rest for 5-10 minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute so they don’t spill out when you bite in.
  • Serving: Dig into these juicy, smoky thighs hot off the smoker! Provide plenty of napkins and extra sauce for dipping. They pair perfectly with classic barbecue sides like coleslaw, baked beans, or cornbread.

Tips And Tricks

Tips And Tricks
  • To ensure even cooking, try to use chicken thighs of similar size and thickness.
  • Make sure your smoker is at the proper temperature before adding the chicken. If it is too hot, the meat may cook unevenly or dry out.
  • Use a thermometer to measure internal temperature rather than relying solely on cooking time.
  • Let the chicken rest for 10 minutes after smoking, to allow the juices to redistribute and the flavor to develop further.
  • Experiment with different wood chips and seasonings for a variety of flavors.

6 thoughts on “How Long Smoke Chicken Thighs | The Ultimate Guide”

  1. My first smoke chicken thighs i did them that low. They were still delicious to me but the skin was slightly tough.

  2. Love me some god smoke chicken thighs, just smoked some yesterday and this time i dry brined over night. Definitely worth it for the bite-through crispy skin!

  3. Cut it up into tiny pieces, sprinkle it with salt, lay it single layer on a cookie sheet in the sun until it’s completely dried out, then pack it in your pipe and smoke chicken thighs.

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