How Many Calories In Meatloaf | Learn Calories In Meatloaf

Are you looking for a hearty, comforting meal that won’t break the calorie bank? Meatloaf may be your ideal choice! Not only is this classic dish tasty and filling, it can also be quite healthy depending on the ingredients used. But just how many calories in meatloaf? Read on to discover all you need to know about one of America’s favorite comfort food dishes – including some delicious recipes that won’t make too much of an impact on your waistline.

What Is Meatloaf? 

What Is Meatloaf?

Meatloaf is a dish made from ground meat – typically beef, but it can also be made with pork, turkey or a combination of meats. The meat is mixed with various seasonings, breadcrumbs or other fillers, and often topped with a sauce before being baked in a loaf-shaped pan. It’s named for its traditional shape, which resembles that of an actual loaf of bread. The dish has been a staple in American cuisine for centuries, and it’s not hard to see why – it’s simple, satisfying and can be easily customized with different flavors and ingredients.

Meatloaf Nutrition Facts 

Here is a breakdown of the approximate number of calories in meatloaf, based on a standard serving size of 4oz (113g):

  • Calories 331.
  • Total Fat 18g 23%
  • Saturated Fat 6.4g 32%
  • Trans Fat 0.7g.
  • Polyunsaturated Fat 1g.
  • Monounsaturated Fat 8.3g.
  • Cholesterol 123mg 41%
  • Sodium 844mg 37%
  • Total Carbohydrate 21g 8%.
  • Dietary Fiber 1.2g 4%
  • Sugars 3.5g.
  • Protein 20g.

Health Benefits Of Eating Meatloaf

The consumption of homemade meatloaf can contribute to a reduction in the intake of hazardous elements such as sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and food additives. This dietary choice may help decrease the risk of health complications such as hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.In addition to being a good source of protein, meatloaf can also provide essential vitamins and minerals. Depending on the ingredients used, it may contain iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and other nutrients that are important for maintaining overall health.

Base Calorie Count for Meatloaf

To start, let’s look at the calorie count for a basic meatloaf made with 80% lean ground beef:

Meatloaf Ingredient Calories
1 pound 80% lean ground beef 1,152 calories
  • A typical 4-ounce serving of this meatloaf would contain around 350 calories. This will provide a baseline for comparing how other factors impact the calories in meatloaf.

Calorie Variations in Meatloaf

There are several factors that can alter the calorie content of meatloaf:

Leanness of Ground Beef

  • The leanness of ground beef used in the meatloaf significantly affects its calories:
    • 80% lean: 350 calories (4-ounce serving)
    • 90% lean: 225 calories (4-ounce serving)
    • 93% lean: 200 calories (4-ounce serving)
  • Using leaner beef like 90% or 93% can reduce meatloaf calories by 100+ per serving.

Added Ingredients

  • Extra ingredients mixed into the meatloaf add more calories:
    • Cheese: adds 50-100 calories per ounce
    • Sauces and glazes: adds 60-150 calories per 4-ounce serving
  • Choosing lower calorie options for toppings and fillers reduces calories.

Serving Size

  • As seen above, the serving size also impacts overall calorie intake.
    • A smaller 3-ounce serving drops the calories around 75 lower than a 4-ounce serving.
  • Pay attention to portion sizes – don’t overserve meatloaf!

Strategies for Reducing Meatloaf Calories

Strategies for Reducing Meatloaf Calories

Here are some tips for lowering the calorie count in meatloaf recipes:

Leaner Protein Alternatives

  • Substitute part of the ground beef with lower calorie options:
    • Ground turkey: 192 calories per 4-ounce serving
    • Lentils: 230 calories per cup
    • Mushrooms: 15 calories per cup
  • This cuts some fat and calories without compromising protein.

Healthy Filler Swaps

  • Instead of using breadcrumbs, try lower calorie fillers like:
    • Rolled oats: 147 calories per cup
    • Cooked quinoa: 222 calories per cup
  • This removes empty calories from bread-based fillers.

Lighter Glazes and Toppings

  • Skip high calorie glazes like ketchup or sugary sauces. Opt for:
    • Tomato sauce: 48 calories per 1/2 cup
    • Mustard: 24 calories per tablespoon
  • Also avoid fatty cheese toppings, using just a sprinkle.

Additional Considerations

When evaluating meatloaf nutrition, remember that calories are not the whole story. Also consider:

  • Protein content – meatloaf provides satisfying protein which supports muscle growth and keeps you feeling fuller longer.
  • Fat content – meatloaf made with lean beef and healthy substitutions can avoid excess saturated fat while providing healthy fats our bodies need.

There are many great recipes for lighter, healthier meatloaf options. Work with a registered dietitian to determine appropriate calorie targets and meal plans based on your unique dietary needs and health goals. What works for one person may not for another, so individual factors must be considered.

6 thoughts on “How Many Calories In Meatloaf | Learn Calories In Meatloaf”

  1. The amount of calories in meatloaf is not too large, however if you eat it with meat, sausage or other foods it will increase the calories.

  2. Every morning I usually eat a meatloaf with meat, it’s about 300-400 cal0, this helps me have energy for the morning.

  3. I like to eat meatloaf with nuts, this increases the calories quite a bit, however I only eat 1-2 slices so it’s healthy.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It’s just enough to energize you for a meal.

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