How Many Slices Are In A Large Pizza? | Ordering Pizza Guide

Everyone loves pizza, but have you ever stopped to think about how many slices are in a large pizza? It may surprise you that the answer isn’t so simple. For those of us who simply can’t get enough of this Italian classic, today’s blog is here to provide some answers as we explore exactly how many slices are hidden within each delicious delivery. Read on to learn more and discover the best way to maximize your pie.

Pizza Sizes & Slices

Here are the standard pizza sizes and average slice counts:

  • Small (8-10 inches): Ideal for children, 6 slices.
  • Medium (12 inches): Good for small gatherings, 8 slices.
  • Large (14 inches): Popular choice, 10 slices.
  • Extra-large (16-20 inches): Feeds larger groups, 12 slices (check restaurant size variations).

Keep in mind:

  • Slice counts are estimations and can vary.
  • Larger pizzas generally have more slices.
  • Compare restaurant slice counts when ordering.

Ordering Pizza for Your Party

When deciding how much pizza to get, consider these factors:

Guest Count & Preferences

  • Calculate total guests and break down by adults and children.
  • Children usually eat 1-2 slices each.
  • Estimate adults will eat 2-3 slices each.
  • Account for other food options to reduce pizza amounts.
  • Factor in if it’s a mealtime (more hunger) or light snacks.

Pizza Type & Toppings

  • Thin crust pizzas are less filling than deep dish or stuffed pizzas.
  • Meat or hearty toppings are more filling than plain cheese.
  • It’s better to have too much pizza than not enough.

Determining Toppings

Determining Toppings

When choosing pizza toppings:

  • Accommodate any dietary restrictions (allergies, gluten-free, vegetarian etc.).
  • Popular topping choices are pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, extra cheese.
  • Offer a variety to appeal to different preferences.
Popular Pizza Toppings
Extra Cheese
Green Peppers
Black Olives

Tips For Ordering Large Pizzas For Party

Other useful tips for ordering pizza:

  • Factor in delivery times when placing order.
  • Have a plan to store or use leftover pizza.
  • Consider half pizzas with different toppings for variety.
  • Familiarize yourself with different pizza styles (deep dish, thin crust) and how their slice counts may vary.

Cut A Large Pizza Into Slices

To properly cut a large pizza into slices, follow these steps:

  1. Start by cutting through the center of the pizza.
  2. Next, make the first cut at a 36-degree angle.
  3. Continue cutting at 36 degrees for each subsequent slice.

How To Eat Large Pizza Slices?

How To Eat Large Pizza Slices?
How To Eat Large Pizza Slices?

To consume large pizza slices, it is advisable to fold them in half for easier handling, reducing the likelihood of toppings detaching. Alternatively, you can use a knife and fork to cut the slice into smaller pieces. When indulging in pizza, it is important to employ utensils if needed and take your time to relish each bite. This approach not only prevents any potential mess but also allows you to fully appreciate the pizza’s flavors.

How To Store Large Pizza Fresh?

To ensure freshness of large pizza, it is recommended to store it properly. Place individual pizza slices in a single layer within a covered storage dish. Avoid stacking the slices to prevent bacterial growth. It is advised to consume delivery pizza within three to four days of delivery to maintain its quality.

Conclusion: How Many Slices Are In A Large Pizza

Determining how much pizza to order for your party can seem tricky. But by considering guest counts, appetites, pizza sizes and slice estimates, you can feel confident you’ll have enough to go around. Don’t hesitate to reach out to pizza restaurants directly for further planning assistance. With the right information, you can make sure your party has all the delicious pizza it needs.

6 thoughts on “How Many Slices Are In A Large Pizza? | Ordering Pizza Guide”

  1. How many slices are in a large Papa John’s pizza?
    10in or Small has 6

    12in or Medium has 8

    14in or Large has 8

    16in or Xlarge has 10

  2. You know, it’s funny, I now live in Buenos Aires, and here, for me bizarrely, pizzas are not “sized” by their diameter, but by their slices – an individual or small (much smaller than what I think of as a small in the U.S.) is always 4, a regular or medium is 6, and a large is 8. But the diameters can vary significantly between pizzerias. And I’ve actually had the conversation that seems like the opposite of the famous Yogi Berra joke – with a group of four people at the table and ordering a couple of medium pies, we asked for each of them to be cut into 8 slices so that we could each have two of each pizza.

  3. This just sounds like a great skit. Bring your own pizza cutter to a shop that charges by the slice. The waitress spies you cutting the slices after the pizza is put out and fetches the owner. The owner tosses you out for cheating the shop by getting more slices. Like you said, it’s classic. It’s right out of a 80’s comedy show.

  4. How many slices are in a large pizza at Papa Johns? at Dominos? Thank you.
    Trying to plan for a party.

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