Why Does Coffee Make My Stomach Hurt | Best Health Tips

why does coffee make my stomach hurt

Are you a coffee lover who hates the unwelcome stomach ache that comes along with your latte or cappuccino? You’re not alone. Many people find that eating and drinking certain foods can make their stomachs feel tired, nauseous, and uncomfortable –– particularly when it comes to coffee. While this isn’t an experience everyone has, if you’ve ever asked yourself “why does coffee make my stomach hurt?” then read on! In this blog post, we’ll explore why some drinks may be causing unpleasant sensations in your body and what steps you can take to treat the pain.

What Is Stomach Hurt?

What Is Stomach Hurt?

Stomach hurt, also known as stomach ache or abdominal pain, is a common discomfort that can occur in the area between your chest and pelvic region. It can range from mild to severe and may present itself in different forms such as cramping, sharp pain, or a dull ache. The cause of stomach hurt can vary, from simple factors like indigestion or food intolerance to more serious conditions such as ulcers or infections.

Why Does Coffee Make My Stomach Hurt? 

If you experience stomach hurt after drinking coffee, there may be a few potential reasons why does coffee make my stomach hurt. Coffee contains caffeine, which is known to stimulate the production of stomach acid. This increase in acid can lead to irritation and discomfort in your stomach lining, causing pain and even nausea. Furthermore, coffee is also known to irritate the lining of the small intestine due to its high acidity. This can cause stomach hurt, bloating, and even diarrhea. Additionally, coffee is a diuretic, meaning it may contribute to dehydration in the body. Dehydration can lead to constipation which may also cause stomach ache.

3 Reasons Coffee Upsets Your Stomach

Here are three main reasons why coffee may be causing your stomach hurt:

  • Acidity: As mentioned earlier, coffee is highly acidic and can irritate the lining of your stomach. The acidity levels may vary depending on the type of coffee beans used and how it’s brewed. For example, dark roast coffee tends to have a lower pH level than light roast.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine in coffee triggers the production of stomach acid, causing irritation and discomfort. Additionally, caffeine can speed up the emptying of your stomach, leading to diarrhea or loose stools.
  • Coffee beans: The type of coffee beans used in your drink could also be a contributing factor to your stomach hurt. Some people may have an intolerance or sensitivity to certain compounds found in coffee beans such as chlorogenic acid or other oils, which can cause stomach irritation and pain.

Signs Of Stomach Hurt Caused By Drinking Coffee

Many individuals experience issues like bloating, belching, and general discomfort, which are often attributed to drinking coffee. This phenomenon is attributed to the potential of coffee to trigger acid reflux, a condition where gastric acid moves up the esophagus due to involuntary muscle contractions. Common signs of stomach hurt caused by drinking coffee include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea or loose stools
  • Acid reflux or heartburn 
  • Bloating and gas,

How To Avoid Stomach Pain When Drinking Coffee? 

There are several reasons why coffee may cause stomach discomfort. Firstly, the acidity of coffee can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to pain or indigestion. Additionally, caffeine can stimulate the production of stomach acid, which may also contribute to digestive issues. Lastly, some people may be more sensitive to the effects of coffee due to factors such as their individual metabolism or any underlying digestive conditions. If you experience stomach hurt after drinking coffee, there are a few things you can try to avoid or alleviate the discomfort:

  • Limit your caffeine intake: Try reducing the amount of coffee or switching to decaffeinated options.
  • Change your brewing method: Different brewing methods result in varying levels of acidity. Experiment with different techniques such as cold brew, which is known to be less acidic.
  • Drink with food: Coffee on an empty stomach may cause more discomfort. Try drinking coffee with a meal or snack to help reduce the acid’s effects.
  • Consider alternatives: If coffee consistently causes stomach hurt, you may want to explore other caffeine-free options such as herbal teas or green tea, which is known for its lower acidity levels.

How To Cure Stomach Pain When Drinking Coffee?

How To Cure Stomach Pain When Drinking Coffee?

If coffee causes stomach discomfort, it is essential to understand the possible reasons behind this issue. Several factors can contribute to this problem, including the acidity level of the roast, the presence of additives, and the choice of milk. By identifying the specific cause, you can take appropriate measures to minimize or alleviate the unpleasant effects. Some ways to cure stomach pain when drinking coffee include:

  • Drink slowly: Sipping your coffee slowly instead of gulping it down can help reduce the chances of acid reflux.
  • Try different brewing methods: As mentioned earlier, cold brew or other brewing techniques may result in less acidic coffee and cause fewer digestive issues.
  • Consider adding milk: Milk is known to neutralize acidity, so adding a splash of milk to your coffee may help alleviate the pain.
  • Consult a doctor: If you experience severe or persistent stomach hurt after drinking coffee, it is best to consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can evaluate your symptoms and determine if there are any underlying conditions causing the discomfort.

How Much Coffee Should You Drink In A Day To Avoid Stomach Hurt? 

The amount of coffee that can cause discomfort varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience stomach pain after just one cup, while others may be able to tolerate multiple cups without any issues. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake to around 400mg per day, which is equivalent to 4 cups of coffee or less. However, it’s best to listen to your body and adjust your caffeine intake accordingly. If you experience stomach pain, try cutting back on the amount of coffee or switching to decaf altogether. It’s also important to stay hydrated throughout the day to help alleviate any potential digestive issues caused by coffee.

FAQ: Coffee Make My Stomach Hurt

Is black coffee bad for your stomach?

Excessive consumption of black coffee, which is rich in caffeine and acid, can lead to stomach acidity. This may result in cramps and abdominal spasms. Additionally, an overload of coffee in your system hinders the absorption of essential minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc from your daily diet, potentially causing stomach discomfort.

Does the caffeine in coffee give you an stomach hurt?

Coffee, along with other caffeinated beverages, can have a pronounced impact on the stomach, primarily due to its caffeine content. Caffeine has been found to cause frequent contractions in the digestive tract, which can result in stomach discomfort.

Can the acidity of coffee affect the stomach?

Coffee can lead to stomach discomfort because of its acidity. It is known to be one of the common triggers for heartburn, alongside other acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits. If you experience coffee-induced heartburn, there is no need to worry. Fortunately, there are various options available to alleviate the symptoms, including low-acid coffee or alternatives to coffee.

Does decaffeinated coffee upset the stomach?

The acidity of both decaffeinated and regular coffee can cause an increase in stomach acid secretion, which may lead to stomach discomfort. Decaffeinated coffee has been found to have a greater impact on acidity compared to regular coffee or caffeine alone.

Can a person with an stomach hurt be allergic to coffee?

According to Dempsey, coffee can cause stomach discomfort and various symptoms, such as skin rashes, hives, acne, abdominal pain, and cramps.

6 thoughts on “Why Does Coffee Make My Stomach Hurt | Best Health Tips”

  1. Had a similar problem. No double pain but unpleasant heartburn in the heart like an acid burn after drinking coffee. Didn’t put two and two together at first so went to see a doctor about it. He asked me if I drink coffee on an empty stomach. And I said yes!

  2. The healthier your normal diet is, the more coffee you can drink, or at least that’s the way it is for me. If I only have bread, my stomach will growl when I drink too much coffee.

  3. I can’t drink Seattle’s Best coffee because it upsets my stomach. Luckily for me, I’ve been drinking coffee for a long time and know that’s what coffee is. I don’t know why this happened to me. I can drink most other types of coffee without any ill effects. Try all different types, grill everything differently. Hope this advice helps.

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It’s great to hear different perspectives.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your participation.

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